Pocket Warfare #2 - Server Announcement<!-- --> | Starborne

Pocket Warfare #2 - Server Announcement

Thu Sep 30 2021 (Updated: Thu Sep 30 2021) - 1 min read

Today at 16:00 GMT we launch a new server of Starborne: Sovereign Space, and this one is going to be epic. It’s a replay of the last map, Pocket Warfare, but with some balance changes and updated rules based on community feedback, to make it even more exciting. Make sure you’re ready to sign up as soon as it opens up, as spots are limited.

Pocket Warfare promises to be an exciting and strategic map. It revolves around Commanders competing for areas of high value. These valuable areas (pockets) contain ice, crystals, gas, metals and heavy ship assembly areas - making them hotspots for Commanders. There are 8 mysterious mechanisms that each give 3 victory points located between sectors and a single victory point at the center of the map. This is the second iteration of the Pocket Warfare series, below you can read what has been tweaked from the last one and an overview of the map.

Rule changes

  • The "Pocket Warfare" map has been balanced a bit.
  • MIC offices now reduce the time to build capitals and heavy ships by 1% per level, down from 2%
  • MIC offices now award 1 empire fleet slot at level 10
  • The Cost of heavy and capital ships has been adjusted
  • Viva la Resistance is now available at level 40 instead of level 65
Overview of the pocket-filled map
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