Starborne: Frontiers - Patch Notes April 19th 2023<!-- --> | Starborne

Starborne: Frontiers - Patch Notes April 19th 2023

Wed Apr 19 2023 (Updated: Wed Apr 19 2023) - 3 min read



  • Reduced the memory usage of the game and sped up startup time
  • Updated various sound effects
  • Improved efficiency of the audio playback system
  • Added ability to purchase Specialist beacons directly from the recruitment panel using platinum


  • Concentrate Fire, Lose Charge, Extend Debuff and Remove Buff effects no longer require Hacking in order to be applied to a target, unless stated otherwise or resisted through an Immunity.
  • FrontLine - Basic and Charged Active damage increased.
    Basic Active increased to 190% x ATK up from 180% x ATK, and Charged Active increased to 240% x ATK up from 230% x ATK.
    Charged Active's Lose Charge effect no longer requires the target to have Shields.
    Passive changed to now activate when hitting an enemy that FrontLine has affinity advantage over instead of hittng a shielded enemy.
  • Judge - Concentrate Fire effect moved from Charged to Basic Active.
    Charges required for Charged Active reduced to 3 across all skill levels.
    Basic and Charged Active now have a new effect: The damage dealt ignores 20% of the target's Defense.
  • Liberator - Pattern changed from line to circle.
    Charged Active now applies Legion Discipline 3 up from 2.
    Passive and Refit changed. Shield generation removed. "All Allies" targeting now baseline instead of part of the Refit. Refit now grants Liberator an extra action when an enemy dies, once per round.
  • Los - Charged Active now applies XAOC Swiftness 3 up from 2.
    Passive and Refit changed. The old Refit is now a part of the Passive, but no longer grant an extra end of round action.
    The new Refit causes Los to start combat fully charged.
  • Meiying - Basic and Charged Active extra damage when attacking Supporter units adjusted.
    Basic Active extra damage reduced from 210% x ATK down to 100% x ATK, and Charged Active extra damage reduced from 250% x ATK down to 125% x ATK.
  • Obsidian - Basic Active's order of operations changed.
    The Remove Buff effect now occurs before the damage is dealt.
    Damage increased for Basic and Charged Active.
    Basic Active increased to 190% x ATK + 20% x Max HP up from 180% x ATK + 15% x Max HP and Charged Active increased to 250% x ATK + 20% x Max HP up from 220% x ATK + 15% x Max HP.
    Charged Active HP threshold to deal increased damage against targets with low HP to 30% up from 20%.
  • Snapdragon - Basic and Charged Active debuff tiers were lowered by 1.
    Basic active now applies Defense Down 2 down from 3, and Charged Active now applies Incoming Damage Up 2 down from 3.
    Reworked Passive to grant additional 20% critical chance and Refit to grant additional 20% critical damage.
  • Sokol - Charged Active Extend Debuff effect changed to increase the duration by 1 turn down from 2 turns.
  • Sustainer - Basic Active's order of operations changed.
    The Remove Debuff effect now occurs before the damage is dealt.
    Basic and Charged Active damage increased.
    Basic Active increased to 160% x ATK + 25% x ATK x Number of Buffs up from 150% x ATK + 20% x ATK x Number of Buffs, and Charged Active increased to 220% x ATK + 30% x ATK x Number of Buffs up from 210% x ATK + 25% x ATK x Number of Buffs.
  • Xcellence - Refitted Passive changed.
    Transferring a debuff when hit removed and replaced with "When an enemy resists a debuff application: Deal (75% x ATK) Damage."
The new Gamemode selection UI
Preview of the new Gamemode selection UI

UI & Visual Changes

  • Added new 3D UI panel for selecting game modes when you first enter the starmap
  • Added new loading screens art
  • Added animation to notification icons
  • Adjusted number of live events shown in the live event view
  • Revised Marauders unit textures
  • Improved unit placement in Hangar view and combat for all Binderburg, Gelecek and XAOC units

New and improved models for the following MPL units:

  • Bedrock
  • Prospect
  • Shelter
  • Opal
  • Heliodor
  • Obsidian
  • Iridium
  • Zeolite

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the recruitment animation for epic units
  • Fixed issues with some UI sounds being clipped
  • Nightmare campaign 1-7 no longer allows the player to use a level 112 Mangler
  • The Electric anomaly's henchmen's (Leech) passives were fixed
  • The More Info panel within unit management now shows a correct description of the Speed stat
  • Fixed an issue with certain skills visuals not being removed from the UI when they elapsed in combat
  • Fixed an issue with targeting skills not having their vfx removed when they elapsed in combat
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate instances of pop-up texts were generated when a skill was removed
  • Fixed an interaction between Shelter and Refine when Refine was equipped with the booster set that could cause combat to halt
  • Fixed an issue that caused repairing units to count as having dealt damage in the end of combat screen
  • Fixed an issue with Skip targeting not updating when combat conditions changed
  • Fixed an issue with Detonate Corrosion and Detonate Bomb wrongly being affected by the target's Defense
  • Fixed an issue with player not being able to scroll Contract Objectives to the very end
  • Fixed issue with missing descriptions in Contract Objectives details

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