The Omega Project - Change Log
Thu Dec 17 2020 (Updated: Thu Mar 18 2021) - 1 min read
- Four-week game duration.
- New map with 500 starting positions and ice belts!
- Grand Terrestrial planets are now victory point hexes.
- ESA protection shortened to 3 days.
- Alliance size set to 16.
- Alliance Stations removed from the game.
- Alliance Assaults removed from the game.
- Alliances can now field 4 Forward Operating Bases, up from 3.
- Resource cost of Forward Operating Bases decreased to 300K, down from 900K.
- Resource cost of all buildings and ships reduced by 35%.
- Time cost of all buildings and ships reduced by 30%.
- Outposts no longer have building requirements, players can build any combination of outposts in a station regardless of building composition.
- Destroying your own stations now has a timer of 12 hours, down from 24 hours.
- Reduced the claim strength of Prime NPCs.
- NPC fleet power reduced by 70%.
- Outpost hit points reduced by 30%.
- Outpost Management Services' bonus to outpost HP increased to 3% per level, up from 1.5%.
- Colonial Relay's bonus to Mining Colony harvest rate increased to 25% per level, up from 20%.
- Station Sabotage Defense decreased by 30%.
- Duration of station sabotage increased to 3 hours (4.5 for Tianchao), up from 5 minutes.
- Station sabotage now prohibits all industrial-specific movement types.
- Tianchao station sabotage now prevents only industrial movements over 4.5 hours.
- Missile Battery firepower increased by 100% and their radius of influence by 1.
- Augmenting Missile Batteries now additionally increases their radius of influence by 1.
- All factions now start with a single augment point, aside from Terran Combine which still begins with 3.
- Terrain Combine now has a default resource streaming capacity of 300 in each station.
- The alliance with the most victory points at the end of the game wins (with alliance game score being the tiebreaker).
- If any alliance manages to hold a majority of victory points for 72 hours, the game will conclude and the holding alliance declared the winner
- Fleets returning to destroyed stations now return to the capital station (instead of supplying stations) with a 12-hour cap on the movement.
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